limpieza de oficios y limpieza de sangre : raíces ibéricas de un mal latinoamericano del siglo XIII al último tercio del siglo XIX
出版Taurus, 2015
註釋Tracing over six centuries the keys that help interpret salient features of Latin American societies today is the purpose of this documented essay by Uruguayan historian Marta Canessa de Sanguinetti. Rooted in the collective unconscious, these particular traits - based on the nobiliary ideal of a hierarchical society - are ghosts of the past arising in a European universe in which, to the "cleanness of offices" (some honest, other vile), the Iberia region summarized as the "cleanness of blood" (neither Jewish, nor black, nor black ...). By the middle of the fifteenth century, faced with the growing competition created by forced conversions and the success of the "new Christian", a jealous "old Christian" group opened the doors not only to this "cleansing", but also to an intolerant society that for remedy of its evils created the Holy Office of the Spanish or modern Inquisition. This totalitarian institution, consisting of a procession of purifying fires, miseries and sambenitor, would become an organ of social control to which even the monarch would not escape. Century after century were added the expulsions of Jews, Moors and Moors. The Spaniards tended to crystallize their social condition in order to avoid "being drilled in their lineage", not for the appearance of some great-great-grandfather or a vile trader. And in the vanguard of modern times, kingdom and empire became impoverished trapped in this novel form of social subversion that would indeed make of the lineage of the old plebeian Christian, poor but "clean" and "honest" (by "well born") , A new privileged order. At the height of the times in which it is necessary for Spain to assume without complexity this part of its Ibero-American legacy, and that of Latin America is shaken of the "scapegoat" that is usually extracted from this past as a means to try to legitimize the denial - survival of that exclusive "noble nobility". It is no longer the time to perpetuate myths which - as these pages fully attest - were able to assert themselves once upon a machine of terror and relentless intolerance.