"The effect of this man on his age and the new age cannot be imagined broadly enough... René Descartes is indeed the true beginner of modern philosophy, insofar as it makes thinking the principle. "- Hegel
A modern translation of Descartes' famous 1632 Treatise on Man (sometimes translated "Abstract of Man" or "Treatise of Man"). This edition contains a timeline of Descartes' life and works, a glossary of Cartesian terminology, and Afterword by the translator that explains the significance of Descartes' contributions to modern philosophy and science, particularly his method of skepticism and rationalism. This scholarly apparatus nests this work into Descartes' larger body of work and the place of his philosophy into the broader history of western ideology.
Here, Descartes explores the nature of human beings, their place in the world, and how they interact with their environment. This mechanistic exploration of human physiology represents a pivotal moment in Descartes' development of his natural philosophy. In this work, Descartes presents the human body as a complex machine, describing physiological processes through purely mechanical principles - blood flow becomes a hydraulic system, nerves function like cords or pulleys, and muscles operate through inflation and deflation mechanisms. It is significant because it established the idea of dualism, the belief that the mind and body are separate entities. This idea has had a profound significant impact on both philosophy and psychology, as it directly influenced Freud. This is a foundational text in the history of philosophy and science, marking a pivotal moment in the transition from medieval scholastic thought to modern scientific inquiry. In this work, Descartes sought to explore human physiology and psychology from a mechanistic perspective, proposing that the body functions like a machine governed by physical laws. The text breaks new ground by explicitly rejecting the Aristotelian tradition of explaining bodily functions through "substantial forms" or vital spirits, instead embracing a thoroughly mechanistic framework that would influence medical thought for centuries to come. This was revolutionary because it separated the mind from the body, paving the way for his later formulation of dualism-the idea that mind and body are distinct entities. Descartes used the metaphor of mechanical devices, which were becoming increasingly sophisticated in his time, to describe the functions of the human body, such as the beating of the heart and the movement of muscles, in purely mechanical terms. This mechanistic model laid the foundation for modern biology, particularly in the fields of anatomy and neurology.
The historical significance of Descartes' Discourse on Man extends beyond biology. It influenced the development of the scientific method by emphasizing observation, experimentation, and rational deduction. By attempting to explain the body without recourse to traditional religious or metaphysical explanations, Descartes' work represented a major break from Aristotelian thought, which had dominated Western philosophy for centuries. Although the Discourse on Man was not published during Descartes' lifetime and remained unfinished, its ideas spread through his other works, especially his Meditations and Discourse on Method. Its influence can still be seen in modern philosophical debates about consciousness, the nature of the self, and the mind-body problem.
The radical nature of L'Homme lies not just in its mechanical physiology, but in how it carefully navigates the theological tensions of its time. While Descartes describes the human body as a machine, he strategically avoids discussing the soul's role, presenting his work as a thought experiment about hypothetical machine-beings rather than actual humans. This allowed him to develop his materialist physiology while sidestepping potential religious controversy. The work remained unpublished during his lifetime, likely due to his caution after Galileo's condemnation in 1633, and finally appeared in 1662. The text includes detailed illustrations of anatomical structures and theoretical mechanisms, though Descartes' anatomical knowledge came primarily from reading and occasional dissections rather than systematic empirical study.