Sustainable Weight Loss was named an Award-Winning Finalist in the Health: Diet & Weight Loss category of The USA "Best Books 2011" Awards, sponsored by USA Book News.
Sustainable Weight Loss provides a road map to long-term weight loss that is simple and offers easy-to-understand principles. Gain the personal control needed to break the shackles that inhibit the ability to achieve weight loss goals. Some diet experts advocate counting calories each time we prepare to eat. This kind of complexity is one of the reasons many people fail with diets. One-size-fits-all approaches are only a small part of the overall diet problem.
These concepts are of vital importance to weight loss success: Weight Control = Good HealthWeight control and good health go hand-in-hand. Goal SettingThe importance of good goal setting and sound implementation of your plan cannot be overstated. Lifestyle ChangesGood weight management cannot be accomplished without some basic lifestyle changes. Caloric BalancingThe hallmark of good weight management is a balance between calories consumed and calories burned. Reasonable vs. Perfect BodyWe must take an honest look at ourselves, and our own personal traits to determine what body size and shape is reasonable for us.
Come to grips with the basic requirements of weight control and find ways to apply them in your own life. Lose the weight you want to lose, and sustain that weight lossfor good.