Renovating the Soul
Meditations on Christ and Life from a Serial Renovator
出版Soul Reno Media, 2024-06-09
主題Religion / GeneralReligion / Spirituality
註釋There are no "how-to's" to be found anywhere in this book. I am not a contractor, or a tradesman, I'm just a tinkerer who tinkers a lot. This book is simply a series of meditations on Christ and life related to our homes and home renovation. Even though life isn't put together with 2x4's many of the principles derived and lessons learned, and reflections given, will apply to a great multitude of areas in your life.Originally these meditations were a means of preaching to myself after moving my family across the country to a house bought sight unseen filled with more problems than we could imagine. Not only would we be undergoing a home renovation but the Lord would be renovating us as well. As you undergo work on everything related to your life and home I hope these meditations will encourage you to create a vision for your home (one filled with laughter, joy, creativity and productivity), to see Christ working on you through it all and that you will be able to laugh a little bit along the way.