Understanding Principalities and Powers

God, the Creator, made both "good" and "evil." The good is "light," and the evil is "darkness." God made law that governs both good and evil. God created all the principalities and powers of ages. christians must identify the principalities and powers of ages in our world to withstand spiritual warfare against all of Satan's schemes.

Pastor Dr. Emmanuel C. Andrew unveils the key to God and the mystery of the Principalities and Powers of Ages. Principalities and powers rule our world and are involved in all world affairs. There are many principalities and powers as follows:

  • principalities that fight husband and wife;
  • principalities that fight youth;
  • principalities that fight destiny;
  • principalities that fight the government;
  • principalities that fight against leadership;
  • principalities of war, and
  • principalities of greed.