Watershed Rehabilitation Options for Disturbed Slopes on the Queen Charlotte Islands
註釋Surface erosion and mass wasting in forested watersheds can increase significantly following road development and logging. This is particularly true on steep forested slopes that receive a great deal of precipitation, such as those on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Through proper planning and the use of high construction standards, many of these problems can be alleviated, but not completely controlled. In addition, unforeseen problems that result in accelerated surface erosion and mass wasting may arise. For these reasons, the forest manager must have a variety of measures to either control erosion or lessen its impacts. This report reviews both prevention and rehabilitation techniques that may be of use in controlling erosion and/or alleviating further erosion damage on the Queen Charlotte Islands. To date, little erosion control or land rehabilitation work has been carried out on forested land on the Charlottes, and it is hoped that this report may provide the basis for future activities in this field.