La clase social de los conversos en Castilla en la edad moderna
註釋A study of the condition of the Conversos in Castile, analyzing the causes of their discrimination, the tensions with Old Christians, and the effects of the "limpieza de sangre" statutes first implemented in Toledo in 1549 at the insistence of Cardinal Juan Martínez Guijarro. Also describes the impact of the Portuguese Converso immigration, persecution by the Inquisition, and the influence of the Conversos on Spanish society. The introduction (pp. ix-xxvi) states that the "limpieza de sangre" statutes did not express generalized racism - as in the Nuremberg Laws or apartheid - but rather arbitrary discrimination: Conversos could in fact infiltrate into Christian society; they were not all in danger, but any one of them could be exposed as a Judaizer at any time, especially if he was prominent in the public sphere.