On-site investigation techniques for the structural evaluation of historic masonry buildings : EUR 21696 EN
出版European Commision, Directorate-General for Research, Directorate "Environment", 2006
註釋Onsiteformasonry is a research project funded by the European Commission under the fifth framework programme 1998-2002 in the 'Energy, environment and sustainable development' thematic programme and 'The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage' key action. The main objective of the project was the development and improvement of methodologies for the investigation of historic masonry cultural heritage buildings. For effective restoration and conservation of historic buildings, a detailed assessment of the structural safety and physical damages of the masonry structure is required. Typical masonry damages have been identified, and summarised in a catalogue of problems. The strategy for an effective and useful combination and application of different non-destructive (NDT) and minor destructive (MDT) methods has been worked out considering the results of case studies and taking into account the experiences of the consortium members. Recommendations and guidelines for the application of the integrated methodologies have been developed in close cooperation with end-users.