Adrienne R. C. Carpenter
Falling in Love with God
Xlibris Corporation
, 2011-06
Religion / Spirituality
Religion / Faith
Religion / Sexuality & Gender Studies
If you have ever been afraid of GOD. Seeking answers and complication get in your way. Wanting to know that you are truly saved. Wanting everything; but finding nothing. Wanting to knock on GOD's door but can't find it; or does it even exist? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU In today's world people are interested in their spiritual growth, and many books and classes are available. The authors give their opinions and facts in all different types of methods. This was not available in the years that this author was raised. In 1960 things were very different. The word GOD was never used outside of religious gatherings. We were taught that we must love GOD. Did we? Or were we afraid not to, for various reasons. Questions were not asked, since there were no answers. The author never realized that it was possible for GOD to give us another way, that would help us obtain our true destination, to strive for our good dreams, which were held inside of us. He did and still does. In October 1960 she felt GOD's love and wrote down His inner soft words because she knew they were Sacred. -GOD CREPT UP ON ME. I KNOW NOT FROM WHERE, BUT WHEN I TURNED AROUND I FOUND HIM, HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE.- At the time, she did not realize it, but her first Mystical Experience began. There would be four more, through the years, each lasting one week. This book contains the author's 43 year Spiritual Journey which leads to the Glorification of GOD. He lead, she followed. At times she lead and He walked along side of her or through her. She surrendered to His love and found the Peace, Love and Joy that is available to others also. It is not easy to share something that is very sacred to you. When you begin to acknowledge that it is GOD's will and desire, you begin cautiously and receive the strength of GOD behind you and sometimes opening up a path, which eventually completes the mission.