Sads: Separated and Divorced Dads
註釋Divorced Dads are the poorest sector of society excepting the unemployed and they are 2.5 times more likely to commit suicide than any other sector of the population. There are close to 150.000 divorces in England and Wales every year, six couples in 1000 will divorce in any one year and 10% of married couples break up before their child is five. In all, half of all marriages will not last 10 years and, widowhood apart, the chance of a divorce is over 90%. Given those odds, perhaps it is time to see what the future may hold ..... The vast majority of divorce proceedings are initiated by the wife, on average they start consulting lawyers 6 months in advance. Divorce is very profitable for women and especially moms get large financial incentives to lie, to be bloody minded and generally commit appalling perjury. False allegations of violence are almost routine. The Courts and social services will force even the best fathers out of their childrens life; the damage done is often severe. As the law stands any married mom can walk out for no reason, or with a new boyfriend or whatever and take over 80% of the family assets with her. Child Maintenance is a de facto "Fathership tax" of up to 25% of net income, leaving abandoned fathers earning maximum 24p in the pound. Men have to pay even if it is the man that looks after the children! Middle class professional men are targets and in the UK divorced fathers pay women an estimated 1.5 billion pounds annually in Child Maintenance alone ... divorce settlements come on top! All this is well-known, but men who feel they have been the victims of a miscarriage of justice have been effectively legally gagged since 2009. This book walks you through the process. In 9 chapters it takes you through the major steps. Each chapter has a "what to do now" box with essential tips that lawyers won't tell you and should keep you one foot ahead of the game. This book will probably not save your life, but it could well save your lifestyle and your relationship with your kids. Don't be a fool. Get it ... get wise now.