Living While Liz

This memoir takes the reader on a fun, educational, spirit-filled cantor through episodes in the life of Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Lynne Ellis Wiggins. Despite the introductory titles, this book is not a lofty, hard-to-understand piece of literature. The author wants the reader to discover self in some of her experiences. She wants you to laugh out loud, shed a tear, nod your head, and just plain old enjoy yourself. This book is for everyone! The topics are written in a creative way intended to cause the reader to enjoy thinking. As you begin a chapter, you will find yourself wanting to finish it and quickly move to the next one. The author hopes you will find something to share with someone else. This book is being released in English with a French translation as well. Please note that the author is neither a professional writer in either English nor natively fluent in French. Nevertheless, you will come to understand why she decided to release the book in both languages. The chapter titles are meant to entice you to read further and discover what could possibly be in store for you. Imagine the possibilities of reading about shoe laces, being green, long-termers, and a clock. You just may not stop with one read. Perhaps you will read it again and share it in a book club or discussion group. If you are an educator perhaps you will read and teach it in English and in French! Working in ministry, you, too, may find this book useful. Come along and join the author by reading the cleverly written antics of Living While Liz!!