The Spurgeon Series 1855 & 1856

Do you have faith in the United States government's ability to make sound monetary decisions?

Faith in your government is required when your country uses a fiat currency system. Fiat currency is paper money that is not backed by physical assets and is at risk of being worthless. For centuries countries have been creating the illusion of wealth by creating a "little more" money. By the end of the Roman empire Nero had diluted the silver denarius until it was 99% iron. Could you ask your bank to exchange your one dollar bill for the silver it was originally based upon?

Every fiat currency in history faced the same embarrassing and miserable death = utter collapse by overproduction. Human greed has always been at the scene of the crime.

"We are in danger of being overwhelmed with irredeemable paper, representing not gold nor silver; no sir, representing nothing but broken promises, bad faith, bankrupt corporations, cheated creditors, and a ruined people." Daniel Webster

Today, the United States of America is standing at the same cliff of economic disaster at $16 trillion in debt and over $120 trillion in future unfunded obligations. Our government’s departure from the authority of the Bible will affect you. Are you prepared?

Economist, columnist and international speaker, Jerry Robinson explains hyperinflation, the history and foundation of our currency system in laymen's terms. In this excerpt from the his revised and expanded book, Bankruptcy of Our Nation: Your Financial Survival Guide, Robinson will identify the unbiblical principles driving our economic crisis. Be informed and formulate a sound plan for the Bankruptcy of our nation.