Ciuill Considerations Vpon Many and Sundrie Histories, as Well Ancient as Moderne, and Principallie Vpon Those of Guicciardin
Containing Sundry Rules and Precepts for Princes, Common-wealths, Captaines, Coronels, Ambassadours and Others, Agents and Seruants of Princes, with Sundry Aduertisements and Counsels Concerning a Ciuill Life, Gathered Out of the Examples of the Greatest Princes and Common-wealths in Christendome. Handled After the Manner of a Discourse, by the Lord Remy of Florence, and Done Into French by Gabriel Chappuys, Tourangeau, and Out of French Into English, by W.T.
出版Imprinted by F[elix] K[ingston] for Matthew Lownes, and are to be sold at his shop vnder S. Dunstons Church in the west, 1601