In the Shadow of Silver Lake
註釋In 1966, sixteen year-old Rob Elliott's father is the headmaster of Tidewater Academy, a private school for wayward boys in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. When he hires effeminate art teacher Bradley Baldwin on a moment's notice, it takes no time at all for Baldwin, Rob, and his cousin Carlo to become close friends. Rumors soon begin circulating that Baldwin is having an affair with fellow teacher Jeff Robinson. Even Robinson's wife suspects the affair, but before the truth can be found, both Robinson and Carlo are killed, rapidly followed by the mysterious death of Mrs. Robinson. Baldwin is tried and convicted of the murders and sentenced to life in prison. Fast paced and full of riveting suspense, James Schneider's debut tells the tale of a captivating murder mystery set in what many refer to as the Nation's "Summer Capitol." Forty years later, Rob Elliott is a successful real estate broker in Rehoboth Beach, when he is hired by the Robinsons' daughter Laura to sell the very place where her parents were murdered-the old homestead and its lands along Silver Lake. Through the process, Rob and Laura begin rebuilding their friendship, when suddenly, from his prison deathbed, Baldwin contacts Rob with a confession to make. Now the case everyone thought was settled long ago has Rob once again thrust into a storm of accusations, treachery, and murder. Reminiscent of the works of David Balducci, Catherine Coulter, and Laura Lippman, this fast-paced page-turner is a captivating journey down the rabbit hole of deception and murder. Covering a time span of four decades with stunning clarity, Schneider provides riveting suspense, shocking twists, and sharp turns throughout this impressive first novel. Vivid details and sharp dialogue imbue the time and place of each period with a richness pulsing through the story's sordid events. Dripping with intrigue and mystery, In the Shadow of Silver Lake is a classic page-turner full of jaw-dropping surprises.