A Life (Most Definitely) Less Ordinary
註釋A tale of the experiences, skills and beliefs acquired during A Life less Ordinary which enable the author to rise to seemingly insurmountable challenges. Having suffered a devastating Brain-Stem stroke in the prime of his life, the author Stuart Hepburn survived against all the odds, time and again. Here he relates the story of his life experiences and his acquisition of the beliefs, the philosophy and the skills which have allowed him to meet and overcome challenges which would overwhelm almost all of us. An extraordinary man he relates here his own take on life, his beliefs and his place in the world which inspires, educates and entertains. His study and practise of Raja Yoga - the union of the true self or soul with the living self, our conscious mind, - is at the heart of his book. The learning and practise of the meditation required to reach this state features hugely in Stuart's life. His finding, loss and subsequent regaining of this yogic state is related here in plain uncomplicated language to which we can all relate.Eye-opening and possibly life-changing his book can be the inspiration for all of us to seek out an alternative and equable way of being.