註釋"Lee, Couch and Hladky begin by ruminating on their panel and three-way conversation, presented at the second international Interdisciplinary conference, Body Horror, in Athens, in 2013. Their reflections on the project, joined by Nash's are interwoven with recalled events, artefacts, images, and stories from the conference panel, and the On Innards, Exhibition and Event of 2014, which includes contributions by Carlo Comanducci, Giskin Day, Dr. Simon Gabe, Kerry Gallagher, Nathaniel Storey, and Jamie Sutcliffe and Jenny Pengilly. Curated and intervened by Nash, the book becomes an embodiment of digestion, its intestinal form, a multitude of folds; concertinas, fold-outs, pop-ups, gate-folds, roll-folds and reveals, held by a mesenteric binding, which, when unwound, allows the book to be opened further, unfolding to reveal hidden ideas, images and text ... Cut, folded, bound and finished by hand."--Artist's website.