Queen Orca & the Pigs

 The disappearance of a Reno couple from Prince William Sound, Alaska, along with a half eaten dog, apparently by killer whales, raises suspicion that a certain orca pack, called the A-T pack, led by a particularly sharp and aggressive female, the queen, may be responsible.

An exploration geologist and his wife, Alaska residents and both interested in orcas, carry out investigations in the A-T pack's home waters to learn more about their behavior and habits. They are joined by a marine biologist orca specialist from southern California. A number of people are determined to communicate with the orcas, including a psychologist from Canada, a rock band from Vancouver, BC. and music for the orcas via underwater speakers.

Some kids from Anchorage attempt to communicate with the whales with near-fatal consequences. Accompany the intelligent orcas as they hunt, kill and eat various types of fish and animals. They also have fun.

The three investigators decide to test the interest of the orcas, under federal and state supervision, in a totally strange food to help determine if they might kill and eat humans. Small pigs, a human food, were decided upon as the best choice for testing orca reaction to strange food animals. The test is successful and part of the A-T pack is orca led but not for long.