Thinking Like a Citizen 2014 English Reader: The Spectacular Spectacles

Pearson is proud to introduce Thinking Like a Citizen Books - a K-2 storybook series designed to introduce children to civics, economics, geography, and history topics through the lens of social issues.

Thinking Through Social Issues

These unique trade books challenge children to think through social issues using multiple disciplinary frameworks and perspectives. Join the characters Tillie, Grayson, Zeb, Jack, and Naomi as they explore a variety of social topics.

6 thought-provoking books

There are 6 books in the series. Common themes run through adjacent books. Themes explore playground disputes, following rules, respectful language, uncomfortable experiences, and issues of race and ethnicity.

Grades K-2 - The Spectacular Spectacles

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Grade K - Whose Swing Set Is It, Anyway?

Grade 1 - Why Do We Have To Learn This?

Grade 1 - Why Can't I Say That?

View Sample Grade 2 - It's None of Your Business

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Grade 2 - What Color Am I?

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