What Is Opisthotonos? Aetiology, Symptoms, Treatment etc. A Comprehensive Overview.

What Is Opisthotonos? Aetiology, Symptoms, Treatment etc.

   A Comprehensive Overview.

Opisthotonus is defined as a dramatic abnormal posture due to spastic contraction of the extensor muscles of the neck, trunk, and lower extremities that produces a severe backward arching from neck to heel.

      In most cases, the trunk is elevated off the ground by a few inches.

     It is usually sudden in onset and can be sustained or repetitive.

     Individual's head, neck and spinal column enter into a complete "bridging" or  "arching" position.

      This abnormal posturing is an extrapyramidal effect and is caused by spasm of the axial muscles along the spinal column.

     As usual, it strived in this E-Booklet to precisely describe Etymology, Aetiology, Clinical presentation, Diagnosis, Assessment and Management of Opisthotonus along with several relevant Images for better understanding.

…Dr. H. K. Saboowala.

              M.B.(Bom) .M.R.S.H.(London)