註釋The AVIV Haggadah is a victory for the historical Moses and the pure monotheism that he professed. The festival of AVIV that he promulgated was a pilgrimage celebrating the spring time barley harvest in Israel. It was also a remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt and the free nation of Israel that this created.
The festival was NOT associated with any angel of death that allegedly "passed over" the Israelite children, who lived in houses with the blood of a sacrificed lamb smeared on their door posts, all the while killing the first born Egyptian children. The original festival was also NOT associated with the unleavened bread that was eaten by Canaanite polytheist farmers during their spring harvest festival.
The Biblical scribes of the sacrificial priests that lived after the death of Moses contrived the festival of Passover that we have in the extant Hebrew Bible. Today, thanks to Biblical scholars and historians we can return to the original pure monotheistic festival of AVIV that Moses the pure monotheist promulgated. We can do so wholeheartedly without cringing on hearing the polytheistic elements that have crept over the centuries into this beautiful festival.
This Haggadah is a tribute to Moses and Joshua the two founding leaders of the Israelite nation before the negative influences affecting Israel began setting in. Enjoy the AVIV festival and celebrate the beauty that the spring barley harvest must have entailed and remember the liberation from slavery and birth of the monotheistic nation of Israel that also occurred in the northern hemisphere spring.