Development of Local Content Through SME's Ability to Respond to MNE's E-Procurement Standards
The Case of Natural Resources Projects in Mozambique
出版Kühne Logistics University Hamburg, 2021
註釋Abstract Mozambique is characterized by a significant diversity of mineral resources such as coal, graphite, gold, oil, gas, among others. The potential of the Mozambican economy brings large investments from foreign companies interested in implement mega projects. As such, Mozambique attracted in the last 20 years companies like Vale and Rio Tinto for coal reserves, Eni, and Anadarko for hydrocarbon sector, and Exxon Mobil for oil and gas reserves. Although, the implementation of these projects needs to take in account the direct impact and side effects on the economy and the influence of the huge demand from the projects on the local capacity, to ensure that in the long term the local business can partner with the mining industry, through different channels such as strategic alliances. This is to guarantee that local industries can be part inclusive of the transformational framework in the mining sector. This study aims to look at the local economic framework and current constrains in the development of Local Content (LC). The analysis will include the discrepancies in the concept, and it will examine different perspectives where the economy can benefit from the inclusive approach in the supply chain. A specific analysis will address the institutional framework and governance intervention for the enhancement of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) capability in the supply processes through E-procurement from Multinationals Enterprises (MNEs). Alternatives to the current intensive awarding of foreign suppliers will be discussed. A survey to SMEs will be evaluated to gather the main limitations from the local business to develop long-term strategies towards a promotion of the local industry. Key words: supply chain management, small and medium enterprises, multinational companies, e-procurement, mineral resources.