The Uan Afuda Cave. Hunter-Gatherer Societies of Central Sahara


Foreword, Mario Liverani

Commentary, Andrew B. Smith
A preface by the Editor Savino di Lernia
Acknowledgements, Savino di Lernia
Why Uan Afuda? The ‘pre-pastoral’ archaeology of the Acacus and surroundings, Savino di Lernia
The 1993 and 1994 excavations. Geomorphology, stratigraphic context and dates, Mauro Cremaschi and Savino di Lernia
A micromorphological approach to the site formation processes, Mauro Cremaschi and Luca Trombino
Rock art paintings of the ‘Round Heads’ phase, Savino di Lernia
A particular form of human activity: rock markings, cupules and kettles, Savino di Lernia
The cultural sequence, Savino di Lernia
Archaeobotanical analysis of charcoal, wood and seeds, Lanfredo Castelletti, Elisabetta Castiglioni, Michela Cottini and Mauro Rottoli
Palynological analysis of the Early Holocene sequence, Anna Maria Mercuri
Preliminary study of plant impressions in pottery, Anwar A. Magid
Spinning and plaiting, Alfio Maspero
Human remains – deciduous and permanent teeth, Giorgio Manzi and Pietro Passarello
Delayed use of resources: significance of Early Holocene Barbary sheep dung, Savino di Lernia
Assembling the evidence: cultural trajectories at Uan Afuda Cave, Savino di Lernia
Colour plates
Arabic Summary, Ebrahim Saleh Azzebi