Teachers and Trainers in Vocational Education and Training
註釋This third volume in the series provides a systematic description of the situation of teachers and trainers in vocational education and training (VET) in five European countries: Austria, Belgium, Hellas/Greece, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. Each country report begins with an outline of the national context--the country's geographical features and the ethnological composition of its population; cultural history and religious considerations are included where they are relevant to VET. A brief description follows of the overall education system of which VET is a part. The next section of each report examines the VET system within which the teachers and trainers who are the subject of this publication serve. The following section describes the teaching and training faculty--in quantitative and qualitative terms to the extent that the relevant information is available--and an account of teachers' and trainers' legal standing, rights, and duties and also those of the teacher unions and other professional organizations that work on their behalf. The final substantive sections explore the inservice and continuing training opportunities open to teachers and trainers in VET and possibilities for career advancement. A separate section lists the addresses of institutes associated in some way with the initial or continuing training of teachers or trainers in VET. Finally, each country report presents a list of acronyms and abbreviations used in the text. (YLB)