Happiness: The 40% Solution
註釋How much of our happiness do we have control over? It seems that external forces are responsible for how happy we are, or rather, how unhappy we are. From getting cut off in traffic to a shocking health diagnosis, everyone has experienced events that threaten to diminish their happiness. What if we could bring more happiness into our lives, at no financial cost?

Discover how you can increase your happiness by up to 40 percent. With a dash of humour and wit, Ron Morris offers practical ideas rooted in positive psychology that you can use right now to increase your level of happiness. Find out how your character strengths, social media, and money affect your happiness. Employ simple strategies involving gratitude, savouring, and kindness to increase your happiness.

If you have suffered trauma, depression, anxiety, or just the day-to-day stresses of life, this book is for you. Knowledge is power, but actions get results. Start increasing your happiness today.