I Am Supernatural

Are you ready to use your superpowers? Did you know you had superpowers? Those who have a relationship with Jesus have unique spiritual gifts. Those gifts have been so infused into you that nothing or no one can take them away. You have purpose and destiny in this life. To complete your purpose and reach your destiny, the Spirit of God gives gifts of supernatural proportions. Don't worry if you think you don't deserve gifts. You couldn't earn these gifts no matter how hard you tried. They are not rewards. They are gifts of superhuman proportions.

Learn about spiritual gifts in I Am Supernatural: Walking in Spiritual Gifts the fourth book in the Walking with Jesus Series.

Book 1 - There Must Be a Better Way: Walking in Salvation

Book 2 - Lord, I Need Help! Walking with the Holy Spirit

Book 3 - I Thought I Was Changed: Walking in Transformation

Book 4 - I Am Supernatural: Walking in Spiritual Gifts

Book 5 - I Am Strong: Walking as a Warrior

Book 6 - I Am Fruitful: Walking in the Fruit of the Spirit

Book 7 - Love Letters from God: Walking in the Word

Book 8 - Time in the Garden: Walking in the Power of Prayer

Book 9 - I'm in Charge of What? Walking in Stewardship

Book 10 - The End of - Well, Pretty Much Everything: Walking into Eternity