Queen of Light and Valor

Queen Mèabh and King Ràidhen return in their epic fantasy tale of love, allegiance, and valor. Ràidhen has shed his cloak of reluctant hero and has risen to fight alongside Mèabh. They face an impossible situation and an army that cannot be beaten. They have joined forces with the other kingdoms of Etrucia and are prepared to battle the Darkness and the king of Deserèe. Plots of revenge on a grand scale, a secret heir, and the largest library on the continent are brought into play. To plan their next move against evil and its power of manipulation, the ally forces must strategize and prepare for the best outcome. Will they be defeated, or will they beat the odds? Welcome to the second installment of Queen of Light and Ashes, and find out what happens next.

*Please note* These are novellas that link in a series. They are roughly 25k words per book and are meant to be episodic features. Each book will add to the story until it is complete. Thank you for reading.