The Diary of a Lifetime
Mabel Eden
Peter Whiteley
Edited and Selected by Peter Whiteley
Trafford Publishing
, 2008
Biography & Autobiography / General
The Diary of a Lifetime, The diaries of Miss Mabel Eden 1878 to 1949, selected and edited by Peter Whiteley, volume one 1878 to 1903. Mabel Eden began her diary when she was twelve, on 3 October 1878; she closed it for the last time in November 1949. By then she had filled seventy-six notebooks with over two million words. This present selection from the diaries takes her story down to 1903, and the book includes detailed family trees for the Edens and for their close relations the Norths. As a young woman Mabel spent fourteen years with her family living in America near New York, and while there she met the only man she ever fell deeply in love with. Her family settled in America and her three brothers all married American wives, but she never felt at ease with American society and by 1903 England had again become her home. Mabel had an educated interest in the theatre and in music and was herself a pianist and organist. She heard many of the great actors and performers of her day. Although she herself was poor, Mabel had plenty of aristocratic friends and relations who welcomed her to their houses and parties. Her diaries provide a unique picture of the changing lifestyles of the British 'leisured classes' over nearly eighty years. A further two volumes of Mabel's diaries are planned. The next volume will include Mabel's life in the First World War. In particular it covers her time working in the censorship department of the War Office, which she found both satisfying and enjoyable.