'Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania,' 2016
Ana Ursu
Monica Mihaela Tudor
Camelia Gavrilescu
István Takács
Katalin Takacs-Gyorgy
Emilian Merce
Cristian Merce
Cristina Bianca Pocol
Alexandru Sipică
Bogdan Alexandru Furduescu
Aurel Lup
Olga Shik
Alexandru Strantan
Anatolie Ignat
Eugenia Lucasenco
Raluca Necula
Diana Necula
Cristian Kevorchian
Al Mahammad Jaghayef
Leah Tamara
Codrin Dinu Vasiliu
Lucian Tanasa
Ioan Sebastian Bruma
Rodica Chetroiu
Miron Liliana
Vio Gavrila
Ana Ruxandra Ariciu
Daniela Nicoleta Badan
Elena Daniela Rebega
Gabriela Gimbasanu
Ana Gabriela Babucea
Petruta Turek-Radoveanu
Aniela Bălăcescu
Gyorgy Szabo
Steliana Rodino
Marian Butu
Hussein Al Quaesi
Abdulmuttaleb Abbas
Mohamed El-Jubouri
Ionut Laurentiu Petre
Mirela - Adriana Rusali
Eduard Dumitru
Mariana Grodea
Carmen Bucur
Daniela Elena Surca
Dachin Anca
Sorin Bucur
Ruxandra Pop
Felicia Chetan
Cornel Chetan
Felicia Muresan
Alina Simon
Teodor Rusu
Alecu Ioan-Niculae
Nagy Caroly
Anda Irina Angelescu
Felix Dimitrie Ciocan
Lidia Iurchevici
Cristina Matache
Elisabeta Rosu
Alin Iorga
Stefania Lospa
Catalin Voica
Corina Ene
Mirela Matei
Cristian Popescu
Violeta Stanciu (Chiriloaie)
Florentina Chitea
Mihai Alexandru Chitea
Corina Dinculescu
Elena Sima
Sebastian Dobos
Eugenia Dorina Radoi
Manea Draghici
Daniela Ileana Godja
Mirela Stoian
Alina Mirela Marcu
Alexandra Bratulescu
Diana Cretu
Ion Andreea
Iuliana Dobre
Ancuta Marin
, 2017
The volume contains the papers accepted and published in the proceedings of the 7th International symposium entitled: “Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania,” organized by the Institute of Research for Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Bucharest in cooperation with, The Institute for Agrarian Economy Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, University of Agrarian Sciences and Veterinary Medicine - The Faculty of Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development, Bucharest, Romania, Institute for Economy, Finance and Statistics, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade - Serbia, Academy of Economic Studies - The Faculty of Agro-Food and Environment Economy, Bucharest, Romania, under the high scientific patronage of Academy of Agriculture and Forest Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu Sisesti,” held in Bucharest, Romania, November, 24, 2016. The proceedings are structured in accordance with the sessions of the conference and it includes papers and relevant contributions on plenary speakers, economy, management and agricultural marketing and Rural development and agricultural policies. Publishing this volume represents a term of the interest expressed by the highest academic and research groups in Romania and EU with interests in the agricultural sector. In the symposium proceedings are shared knowledge, experience and the newest results of your research in the agrarian economy and rural development domain related to enhancing competitiveness of all types of agriculture and promoting innovative agricultural technologies; organizing the food chain, including processing and marketing of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management in agriculture; preserving and strengthening agricultural ecosystems; efficient use of resources and supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy and resilient to climate change in agriculture and food; social inclusion, poverty reduction and economic development in rural areas, etc. The symposium proceedings is structured in 4 specialized sections, where the reader may find interesting argumentss regarding this research field.