You Are an Exclamation of Love...
註釋This book outlines a plan for the unification and democratization of all trustworthy individuals on the planet through our organization, The United Earth Ecclesia, and the World Wide Web. Using Theology, Metaphysics, and Political Networking, this book introduces innovative and unprecedented concepts such as "Lenergy" the Energy of Love, and the newest punctuation mark in the world, the Exclamation of Universal Love (ExLo for short). It outlines a plan to utilize a Super Political Networking Web Site to unite and equally democratize all trustworthy people on the planet regardless of race, color, creed or religion. This could be accomplished through the global organization the United Earth Ecclesia, utilizing the social and political networking powers of the internet and the World Wide Web at ExLo.org. Additionally this book intoduces readers to a 21st Century version of the Lord's Prayer called "A New Millennium Meditation/Prayer of Thanksgiving" and premieres the United Earth Ecclesia Earth Citizen Covenant. The United Earth Ecclesia Earth Citizen Covenant reads as follows: "As Active United Earth Citizens, We Promise that We will not harm or trespass in any way on the person and property of any other United Earth Citizen. That includes a Promise to uphold the Bonds of Trust that connect all United Earth Citizens who have sworn to this Covenant. As Loving United Earth Citizens We Promise to Love one another and act toward Others as We would like them to act toward Us. As Rational United Earth Citizens, We Promise to promote World Peace and protect every United Earth Citizen's Right to total Individual Freedom as long as that Freedom does not harm the person or property of any another United Earth Citizen. Finally, As Responsible United Earth Citizens We promise to strive to do everything We possibly can to protect and improve the Ecology of Our Communal Environment." If you care about others, want to contribute to positive human evolution, and consider yourself trustworthy and a good person you can utilize the concepts and connections in Our plan to unite with other like-minded individuals around the world and help Our Ecclesia create a better planet for us all.