The Inner Journey of Energy and Spirit
Gregory Rubin
Blended Theory of Psychology and Mindfulness
Inner Journey of Energy and Spirit
, 2014-12-28
Body, Mind & Spirit / Inspiration & Personal Growth
The Inner Journey of Energy and Spirit describes a blended theory of psychology, mindfulness, and spirituality. This book explores the interdependence that exists between each of us as individuals and the positive and negative energy that surrounds us each day. It is an energy theory and principle based GPS system that can help you to figure out answers as to what direction to follow regarding decision making and managing emotions. Because so much of our existence rests in ambiguity (the unknown), we can easily get lost, confused, overwhelmed, and short-circuited by all of the input data around us; sensory overload. Energy theory encompasses a blend of the creative/artistic life force inside of us (divine energy) mixed with a methodological and logical diagnostic operating system. There are waves of negativity and extreme stress, sometimes attributed to holidays, seasonal/climate changes, the moon and stars, or even sociological movements. If we tap into this correctly; if we follow the signs and signals in front of us, we can navigate through the rapids, getting across safely to our destination. Sometimes this can be done with a strong mindfulness and intention. Yet, other times, it can be done through other people or other forces looking out for us-protecting us and creating pathways for us to follow. This book offers the beginning steps of a new way of thinking, feeling, behaving, sensing, and experiencing of yourself and the world around you. It serves as a template to foster creative thinking and using other senses beyond what you think of as logic and reason to help you make decisions and help in your perception of experiences.