Seeking God

Do you have - Spiritual Progress, Spiritual Power, Spiritual Priorities, Spiritual Passions, Spiritual Pursuits?

We would love to see our spiritual intimacy with God improve but an intimate relationship is one marked by close association, contact or familiarity. To expand it involves warmth, tenderness, love, transparency, security, vulnerability, strength, commitment, knowledge and understanding. Doesn't your heart just yearn for a relationship like that?

Our chaotic world is characterised by independence, intimacy is in short supply. It breeds a brutal, self-seeking attitude devoid of intimacy. That is why marriages crumble, families disintegrate and friendships fail.

Yet, God beckons us to be intimate with him.

The barbarity of the secular mindset can only be neutralised by spiritual intimacy with a compassionate God. Someone who is utterly trustworthy and whose plans are unable to be put off course. Therefore, our generation's greatest need is to reclaim a sense of intimacy with God, one that will reshape our souls and redirect our lives.