How Do Consumers Perceive the Sustainability of Their Habitual Retailer?In Search of an Index of Retail Perceived Sustainability
註釋This paper investigates the meaning and role of sustainability in retailing from the consumer perspective, aiming to identify a set of main themes on which retailers can promote their sustainability strategies. Nine key themes emerging from literature have been used to rate 9 leading retailers in the Italian grocery sector in a survey involving 631 respondents. Through a reduced rank regression model the relation between consumer perceived sustainability and consumer intention to purchase and to recommend the retailer was assessed and an index of consumer-based retail sustainability ranked the 9 retailers in relation to the sustainability themes with the highest leverage on consumers' intentions. Results also give insights on communication practices from retailers. The study was then complemented by a desk analysis of the websites of the retailers to understand the extent to which the consumer-based perspective mirrors the retailers' strategy and communication. Results show that: a) supermarkets are more sustainable than discounters, and that b) retailers should work to explore the full potential of the store as an arena where sustainability may be made visible and tangible to consumers.