Catholic Spirituality in Focus

Catholic Christianity is a graced path to God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in the holy church. Catholic spirituality, then, is all about the mystery of divine love. The Lord proclaimed the glad tidings that God is love, and the Gospels testify that he demonstrated this by passing through death to Resurrection for our Redemption.

Catholic spirituality comprises that which characterizes belief in the Father's love and commitment to that love in Christian discipleship: taking on Christ's life, thinking by his mind, serving with his heart, and loving through his heart. We can experience the gradual impact of healing, elevating, and transforming love as we put on Christ in the Community.

This book shows the strong influence of Pope Benedict XVI's extraordinary new encyclical of 2006, Deus caritas est, with its remarkable emphasis on Agape love. Catholic Spirituality is primarily about love; God's love, God's love incarnate in Christ, God's love demonstrated in Christ's death and Resurrection, and our response of love for God and for one another. Love is truly the central core of it all; the rest is marvelous detail.