The social security debate in the United States
註釋While many oppose the use of the term "crisis" to frame the debate over Social Security, it is generally agreed that something must be done to improve the actuarial balance of the program. [...] Much of the debate, however, centres on the Bush administration's proposal to replace part of the existing pay-as-you-go feature of the program with personal savings accounts. [...] Under the Social Security Act, a Board of Trustees(12) is charged with overseeing the financial operation of the OASI and DI trust funds, and reports annually to Congress on the financial and actuarial state of the funds. [...] This prediction raises the question of why the government would have to take such measures in 2017 when the assets in the trust funds are forecast to cover the full cost of scheduled benefits up until 2040. [...] This would accelerate the exhaustion of the trust funds and advance the date at which the program would show a cash deficit.