Roy Chapman Andrews Papers
註釋The bulk of the collection consists of Andrews' administrative papers (16 boxes of material) and [personal] papers (2 boxes). There are also blowbacks (printed copies from microfilm) of his journals from the Central Asiatic Expeditions (CAE), and two of Andrews' handwritten signed letters from Japan: one of 1912 to George Borup; the other of 1918 to Joel Asaph Allen, congratulating him on his 80th birthday. The administrative papers consist primarily of correspondence; there are also manuscripts of Andrews' articles, book reviews of others' works; biographies of Andrews; and memos. The 1987 accession papers are correspondence, manuscripts, and transcripts of Andrews' broadcasts and talks. This part of the collection also contains one folder of family and biographical documents and newspaper clippings received from Charles Gallenkamp, Andrews' biographer, in 1990. The majority of the administrative papers' correspondence concerns requests for speaking engagements about Andrews' explorations, requests for articles, and letters from the public and from companies requesting information. There is some correspondence relating to the planning of the CAE, especially from applicants; public news of some of the finds; and letters to and from companies regarding donations of supplies. Some reports describe working conditions in China. Andrews' correspondents include members of the CAE: Charles P. Berkey, Frederick B. Butler, Ralph W. Chaney, Walter Granger, Capt. W.P.T. Hill, Frederick K. Morris, Leo B. Roberts and Leslie E. Spock. Other correspondents include Hans C. Adamson, Carl Akeley, Glover M. Allen, H.E. Anthony, Capt. Robert A. Bartlett, W. Douglas Burden, Richard E. Byrd, James P. Chapin, Frank M. Chapman, James L. Clark, Amelia Earhart (3 items), William K. Gregory, Charles R. Knight, George F. Kunz, William H. Hobbs, Julian Huxley (2 items), Owen and Eleanor Lattimore, Robert C. Murphy, Nels C. Nelson, John T. Nichols, G. Kingsley Noble, Henry Fairfield Osborn, (Henry) Fairfield Osborn, Jr., Clifford H. Pope, Chester A. Reeds, James B. Shackelford, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (4 items), Arthur S. Vernay, Langdon Warner, Alexander Wetmore, George H. (Sir Hubert) Wilkins, Clark Wissler and Alexander Woollcott.