The Richest Man in Babylon
註釋Dear Friend, I am thrilled to republish this classic book, The Richest Man in Babylon.This might just be the finest book EVER written on the subject of financial planning. The timeless wisdom and principals of this great book have helped hundreds of thousands of people enjoy their retirement with prosperity and peace of mind. Your timing is excellent. As a nation we face a harsh economic future resulting from decades of living beyond our means. Our elected officials seem to think the rules of economics do not apply to the United States-that spending beyond what we were earning was compassionate, a virtue even. Clearly, they are wrong. Let this book be your return to safety-a guiding light through the confusing maze of the modern financial world, particularly as it relates to your retirement. If the strategies outlined are new to you, you'll be amazed at how easily you can incorporate them into your life. If you are already an "alumni" of these strategies, congratulations; you are among the elite. Rereading The Richest Man in Babylon will reinforce everything you're doing. You can also help others by passing along this book to anyone looking for time tested, wealth building strategies.However, I'm sure you'll agree with me, no matter the material riches we have accumulated over our lifetime, the most valuable things in life are not things at all. I'm talking about freedom, self-respect and love. The satisfaction of a job well done. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and be proud of who you are. Loving fully. Living life in such a way that at the end of your days, you have no regrets. These are the things of real value, and they did not cost us one penny. I hope you will value this book right alongside the other valuable gifts you have been given for free. If you benefit from reading this book, please drop me a line and let me know how The Richest Man in Babylon blessed you. Warmest regards, Tom