31 Prayers for When Life isn’t Fair

Serving the Lord with a broken heart is difficult…

Even more so when you see the heartless sail through life without difficulty.

Some who work tirelessly for the Lord and do their best to walk with God see disaster after disaster. There is no greater pain on earth than the loss of a child—except the loss of more than one. Whether it is quick and unexpected, or a long, agonizing march to the end, the pain cuts so deep it will take our breath away. It doesn’t make sense, and will leaving us asking, “Why, God?”

When life beats us up, when we can barely lift our head because we are so broken, it is hard to remember that God is good—all the time.

If you’re looking for a book of prayers to heal the broken, encourage the wounded, and point us to the God who loves us infinitely and works all things together for our good, you’ll love “31 Prayers for When Life isn’t Fair.”

Get it Now!