The Integration of Serum Pharmacochemistry and Metabolomics to Elucidate the Scientific Value of Traditional Chinese Medicine
出版Academic Press, 2015-07-15
主題Science / Life Sciences / Molecular BiologyScience / Chemistry / Organic
註釋Chinmedomics: The Integration of Serum Pharmacochemistry and Metabolomics to Elucidate the Scientific Value of Traditional Chinese Medicine uses new experimental techniques and research to open doors in drug discovery and development related to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This book features a unique approach that combines chemometric analysis with metabolomics studies to illuminate significant changes that have occurred in syndrome states while simultaneously analyzing the efficacy of chemical ingredients in herbal medicines. Chapters provide cutting-edge information on traditional medicine, analytical technology, natural products, metabolomics, bioinformatics and their applications. This book provides a valuable resource for pharmacologists, pharmaceutical scientists, medicinal plant researchers, pharmacognosists and chemists working with TCM and highlights ways to further research and advances in this area in the future. - Presents a practical guide for new practitioners of Chinmedomics with insights on the current use and future development of this method - Each chapter includes an introduction, method, references to the latest literature, possible mechanisms of action and applications - Edited by the leading experts of research related to Chinmedomics