Los judíos de Borja en el Siglo XV
註釋Deals with demographic and economic aspects of the history of the Jews in Borja, Aragón, between 1455-1500. Ch. 8 (pp. 228-251) discusses the consequences of the decree of expulsion of the Jews for the community in Borja. Since the debts of the Jews to the Crown, public institutions, and private creditors was settled principally by the transfer or liquidation of their estate at very low prices, the Jewish community disappeared almost completely. Part of the Jews converted to Christianity, others went into exile in the neighboring kingdom of Navarra; after a year or two many of them returned to Borja and converted. Although they were entitled to restitution of their estate, most of the properties were already taken over by others. The majority of the Jews (now Conversos) settled in other cities or in different quarters of Borja.