You have a maximizing spirit inside of you right now just waiting to come alive!Most people are living at 50% of their potential and are not maximizing their time here on earth.
This book can completely change that and help you live closer to 100% of your potential.
In Maximize, author Henry Lucas, LCSW, has created 7 Mind-Shifts that are designed to help you maximize key areas of your life - relationships, emotional health, physical health, mental health, finances, spiritual/religion, career and/or business.
Whichever area of your life is challenging you right now there is a mind shift that will help you improve the situation and maximize your potential.
Here is some of what you will discover in this book:
- How to flip the script by turning your unconscious losing scripts that are running your life into winning scripts.
- Why an attitude of entitlement and arrogance leads to an altered perspective of reality that is blocking your good from you.
- How to stop getting robbed of your peace of mind.
- How to maximize your happiness while on earth.
- The key to life that most of us are taking for granted.
- How your brain is trying to help you feel more safe, secure and calm.
- How passion and suffering go hand in hand and why just having passion is not enough.
The choices we make drive the course of our lives. When we die, our obituary describes the impact we've made on our family, friends and community.
Hit the BUY NOW button and start maximizing your life and living at your full potential so when you get to the end of your life there are NO regrets.