Brute Force Beginner's Strength System (HC)
By: Ken Gack ‘the Ripper’
Often, new strength trainees don’t know where to begin. After years of directing future gym rats to existing training templates, Ken Gack imparts his thirty years of experience to develop something better. The Russians developed the periodization approach to strength training over five decades ago. It has been a staple to strength training programs since that time. With the explosion in popularity of powerlifting over the last decade, more advanced approaches have begun to edge out periodized based approaches in popularity and performance.
One of the advantages of periodized approaches is the structure they bring to strength training. This is particularly valuable for newer lifters. This structure, however, can become so rigid that it dampens potential strength gains. The power of contemporary strength programming is that it provides flexibility to maximize a person’s strengths and strengthen their weaknesses. The newer methodologies this book focuses on have taken more lifters to world powerlifting championships than any other approach.
This book seeks to use a basic periodized foundation and incorporate newer methodologies to give it flexibility that enhances its strength training effect.