註釋 These volumes contain around 160 papers presented at the IVth International Seminar on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions held from 10 to 13 November, 2004 in Padova, Italy. Cutting-edge information is presented here on the preservation, protection and restoration of historical constructions, covering both monumental structures and complete city centres. These two proceedings volumes are devoted to the possibilities of numerical and experimental techniques in the maintenance of historical structures. In this respect, the papers, originating from over thirty countries, are subdivided into the following areas: * historical aspects and general methodology * materials and laboratory testing * non-destructive testing and inspection techniques * dynamic behaviour and structural monitoring * analytical and numerical approaches * consolidation and strengthening techniques * historical timber and metal structures * seismic analysis and vulnerability assessment * seismic strengthening and innovative systems * case-studies. Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions is a valuable source of information for scientists and practitioners working on structure-related issues of historical constructions.