English as a Second Language
註釋Frequently-asked questions about English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction are posed and answered. Questions address the following: the goals of ESL instruction; how ESL differs from bilingual education; how students needing ESL are identified; where interpreters are found; the "Lau Decision"; how to find out how much English the student understands; the distinction between conversational and academic proficiency in English; ESL and age-appropriate placement; the ESL teacher's role; early childhood ESL programs; how much ESL is enough; how soon ESL students should be mainstreamed; dealing with special education needs; what regular classroom teachers should do to help ESL students; sheltered English; the role of bilingual aides; ESL students' use of their native language in school; grade retention and promotion and academic standards; parent involvement; instructional materials; use of instructional technology; ESL program funding; program recordkeeping; ongoing professional training for ESL teachers; and ESL inservice education for regular teachers. Lists of print materials, publishers and distributors of ESL materials, and organizations useful as resources are appended. (MSE)