Habt Ehrfurcht vor der Gottheit NN
Die snd-n-Hymnen in den agyptischen Tempeln der griechisch-romischen Zeit
出版PeWe-Verlag, 2009-12-31
主題History / Ancient / Egypt
註釋The snd-n hymns that Stefan Ruter examines in this publication are preserved in a great number of texts from nine temples dating to Greco-Roman times. The understanding of the hymns is much enhanced not only by a consecutive translation of almost all sources but especially by the analytical scrutiny of the texts` statements and the subsequent interpretation. Going beyond the immediate aim of the investigation the textual analysis offers an insight into problems of Greco-Roman temple inscriptions: on the one hand there is the question after the manner, provenance and diffusion of the texts, on the other hand the question after the relationship between religious ideas accepted all over Egypt and their many local manifestations.