Then Who Will Get It All
註釋Then Who Will Get It All is the story of a man and the cost of his passions. It follows the central character through death and cover-up in the Iraq war, the love of a woman and a best friend, hope and disappointment at a career going no where, corporate politics that turn him sour and the lust for success that ultimately molds his entire being. By the measure of almost everyone he knows, Michael Barlow has it all. Yet despite being blessed with a supportive wife, an adoring daughter and a comfortable living standard, he continues driving himself beyond all reasonable limits to achieve that elusive prize, the presidency of the national engineering firm to which he has given his career. Michael is an honest, hard driving man that strives for excellence in everything he does. He never cheats or takes short cuts to success. However, despite the high standards he sets for himself, he is blocked by a glass ceiling placed in his path by a man that had once been his mentor. Unable to bypass that barrier, Michael finally chooses to compromise his principles in order to achieve his ultimate goal. This change appears to work, bringing promotions that were inaccessible to him previously. Unfortunately, his newfound success is not without cost as the time necessary to maintain it is taken at the expense of his wife and daughter. Eventually he makes it to the office of president after nearly destroying his relationship with both of them. Finally, he is able to relax and renew those relationships, having sacrificed so much to achieve his objective. But suddenly, everything is taken from him by a cruel twist of fate, the likes of which he never would have imagined.