A View From the Mountains

How do you know God is still with you?

Outdoor enthusiasts know how treacherous the wilderness can be when you’re not on the right path. This is true in everyday life as well. As Christians, we sometimes stop following Jesus and attempt to go our own way, only to find ourselves in trouble.

Thankfully, our God does not abandon us in those moments! Rather, he tries to bring us back to him, because he says in his Word, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

In this book by author John Hardison, you’ll discover a collection of heartfelt stories based on his personal experiences in life. These anecdotes are told in a down-to-earth style that’s firmly framed by the cross of Jesus. They offer the peace, comfort, hope, and joy that are yours in Christ, despite the grief and hardships of this world.

A View From the Mountains is a thought-provoking book that’s both sobering and uplifting. It’s one you’ll want to read again and again!