Bad Day for the Hangman
註釋While in pursuit of two desperate outlaws, Stone rides into the sleepy little town of Abbot. After dodging an outlaw's bullet, he captures them, but is forced to kill one after the fact. Placing the remaining prisoner in the ramshackle jail, he meets a beautiful Mexican girl. Ironically, she has a personal vendetta against the killer. The hanging she anticipates witnessing is foiled when two lowlifes facilitate a jailbreak.As Stone prepares to track this killer once again, the Mexican girl insists on accompanying him. It is her desire, she informs him, to kill this animal herself. Stone refuses, but she is not to be denied. She will either ride alongside or follow behind. Given no choice, he relents.As they chase this desperado along the Canadian River in northern New Mexico there will be times Stone is glad the woman is along. Other times he's not so sure.