The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

 As I am now more than eighty-six years old I don’t think it probable that I shall attempt any more translations of Sister Emmerich’s revelations. I wish, therefore, to say a few words about dear Sister Emmerich before parting. I have read through her revelations several times during the last sixty years, and I have more frequently read through the New Testament, and have never been able to detect the slightest opposition between them. The discovery of the House of the Blessed Virgin near Ephesus, exactly corresponding with Sister Emmerich’s description of it, has given a new impetus to the desire to read her revelations. This discovery will lead, no doubt, in God’s good time, to the finding of our Lady’s Tomb, the scene of her glorious Assumption. The statements made by Sister Emmerich must be regarded only as those of a devout Nun, and must not be confounded with statements of facts supported by the testimony of the Church.

Aeterna Press