Inside the Mind of Mania
註釋Inside The Mind of Mania, written by Rebecca Kramer is a book filled with shame, sadness, joy, rage and total exhaustion. Rebecca shares her life story, twenty manias, six short stories, and completes the book with lyrics, poetry, and proverbs. Rebecca has come to the place in her life where she accepts her Bi-polar Illness as a mood disorder, and understands how to sustain a healthy lifestyle of personal maintenance. Medication is only half the battle of finding your place of normalcy when you have Bi-polar illness, the other half is controlling your mental and emotional feelings through self-talk, cognitive behaviour techniques, such as thought replacement using a personal daily journal of thoughts and feelings. Should Rebecca ever feel she is losing her pace she will quickly look for alternative ways of thinking and feeling to stay healthy. Another way Rebecca also works to take care of herself is through her regular routine of exercise, an hour each day. Rebecca Kramer has her MA and is an accomplished Christian Artist who has recorded twenty CD's. She has experienced as many gut-wrenching tragedies in her life-time as she has experienced victories. She has endured these bitter tragedies: two abusive marriages which lead to divorce, 3 brothers who committed suicide, the death of her mother who died of liver disease, and ironically enough now her present husband Peter Dredhart is struggling with a liver disease, waiting for a live transplant. In 1997 she was diagnosed with Bipolar Mental Illness. Before Rebecca accepted her illness she was handcuffed and hospitalized twenty times. She experienced the loss of everything she loved due to the stigma of mental illness. And through all of this Rebecca still strives to excel at whatever she does and greets everyone with a smile! www.InsideTheMindOfMania.com