Varamahalakshmi Vrata

Varamahālakshmīvrata is considered as one of the most famous vratas observed in the month of śrāvaṇa. In case the month of śrāvaṇa occurs twice in the form of nija and adhika (regular and intercalary), this Vrata is observed only in the nija śrāvaṇa. Even though it is not enjoined among the regular vratas like Ekādaśī, Śivarātri etc which should be observed by all, this vrata is observed to please Goddess Jaganmātā with great devotion and religious fervour by a large number of devotees in our country. There is a vidhi which stipulates that this vrata should be observed on a Friday which is nearest to the Pūrṇimā of the month of śrāvaṇa.

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